Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sami and Kaylen

Today was Sami and Kaylen day again. Every year when we are down in FL, we visit with Rhonda and Sami. They are friends from babycenter way back when we were pregnant. I have such a great time with her, and Kaylen and Sami get along so well, I wish I could see them more than a few times a year.
Anyway, we try to take the same pictures every year so we can see how they've grown.

The first is a layout I did in 2007, the first time they met.

This picture is 2 years later 2009.

Shell Factory

Yesterday we went to the Shell Factory. Probably a typical tourist attraction that was way overpriced for shells. But they did have a nice little nature park that had lots of animals to see and pet.

Our favorite part was the bird enclosure where you could go in and feed the birds. It was filled with all kinds of animals such as turtles, iguanas, fish, ducks, chickens, and the best peacocks. Kaylen had the best time feeding the peacocks and of course they were just beautiful. Unfortunately, none of them opened up their tails for us.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

365 Project

Ok, I know I've been a little behind in keeping up my blog. But I am doing the 365 project.

Since I'm on vacation in cold but sunny FL, I have not been doing my usual scrapping. But I am still taking my pictures and planning what to say and/or do with them.

But the first and major thing that happened this year was getting our hair cut. Kaylen and I both donated our hair to Locks of Love and hadn't had our hair cut at all in almost 2 years. Here's the pics without a layout.

Next is the actual trip to FL.
This is Kaylen the first night at the hotel.
And Kaylen redecorating the condo. First thing she did was put on her sparkly dress and lipstick.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Trip to Vermont

We recently took a trip to Vermont to look at the fall leaves. We stayed in this semi-wonderful cabin in the middle of nowhere on 10 acres. It was absolutely beautiful there even though the colors weren't as good as we were expecting. I guess we were a few days early.

It was very different up there. Everything in the area was labeled with numbers and objects, they don't use addresses. The cabin we stayed in was #61 on a tree and down the road was #42 on a rock. It was quite funny.

I was fortunate enough to get some quick pages from Stacey Crossley - Fall Quick Pages - S4H. I was able to do almost all my trip pictures just with these quick pages. Here's what I did so far.

I'm hoping to get more layouts done soon. I finally was almost caught back up from our trip, but am falling behind already.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Speed Scrap #2

Last night was our second speed scrap at Digi Scrap Station.

Here were our final instructions.
8:00 - #1 - Since I'm trying to lose weight I'm learning that less is more... so pick out one picture
8:10 - #2 - Since we have built such a community around here, pick out three papers that have something to do with each other (complementary pattern, hues, etc.)

8:20 - #3 - Since this is the 2nd speed scrap you need to use at least two different fonts - one for your title but something else for your journaling

8:30 - #4 - Speaking of journaling, my eldest is about to turn 15 so you need to include at least 15 words or more of journaling

8:40 - #5 - Since my favorite place in the whole world, Walt Disney World, opened in '71 and 7+1 = 8, let's add 8 embellishments of some kind (flowers, brads, pick)

8:50 - #6 - Since my avatar has a flower in my hair, lets add at least 3 more flowers (or 3 flowers if you did something else for your embellies)

9:00 - #7 - Since I have no memory cells left in my head (burned them all up in college) let's add a date to the layout so we can talk about it later on when our grandkids want to know about it

This is what I came up with.

I, as well as 3 other people used a wonderful kit by Heavenly Scraps called Breezy Fall. This kit was given to me as an RAK and is so new its not even for sale yet.
This is such a great kit. You can just use it for so many things, but especially with the fall season that is coming up. Leaves, Thanksgiving, apple picking,...

Treadmill #2

Friday September 26, 2008

Today was the 3 mile Fun Run at the Y. I chose to participate to prove to myself that I could do it. And to count as my cardio activity for the day. It took me 25 minutes, but I did finish the whole run and managed to come in second. I even got a medal. Of course I didn't bring my camera because I didn't think they would be doing anything like that. So I'll have to see if I can get them to email me some of the pictures they took.

So there might not be a scrapbook page for this one or at least any time soon.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Treadmill Post #1

Here is the treadmill portion of this blog. Since one of the challenges on Divine Digital Lean Plate Club was to journal our weight loss journey so far, I thought I would just post my layout.